I was particularly interested in this, since I’ve been developing a wildlife garden with a school which has now made real progress. After I set out the plot a group of volunteers set to with enthusiasm, and its hoped that the project will be completed this year.
The blog of Steve Rice, Blooming Good Gardens, a garden designer based in the New Forest, near Southampton, covering Hampshire, East Dorset and East Wiltshire.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Concrete Jungle: biodiversity through school gardens
I was particularly interested in this, since I’ve been developing a wildlife garden with a school which has now made real progress. After I set out the plot a group of volunteers set to with enthusiasm, and its hoped that the project will be completed this year.
Monday, 17 May 2010
Birds in the garden
The collared doves and blue tits have also been avid feeders.
If you feed the birds, don't forget to clean the feeders regularly to prevent disease. See the RSPB website for more information.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
A great day out...Blashford Lakes
I recommend taking a picnic – there are benches at frequent intervals along the trails, and picnic tables outside one of the education centres. We omitted to do that at first. Having arrived in the morning and liking it so much, we went off to buy food, and then came back for the afternoon. There are guided walks, talks and family events throughout the year, and courses for adults, including topics such as wild flowers and photography.
You can visit the lakes free-of-charge, although we were so delighted, we left a donation, since it’s a charitable concern. Although there are car parks, the Trust recommends walking or cycling. Blashford Lakes can be found two miles north of Ringwood on the A338 Ringwood-Salisbury Road, New Forest OS Map Grid Ref. SU 151 079.